This is all the plugins im currently using on my PSP2001-v1 6.39me-7.
Pack includes:
audioboost (boost.prx)
dayviewer (displays additional information on XMB)
categories light (creating subfolders on XMB)
noumd (disables umd drive)
hide umd update (anti.prx)
psphud (currently set on game only, you can view remaining % of your battery on the lower rigth screen)
power.prx (blinks led light 2x faster when battery reaches 15%)
hold (im using it when playing mp3, drops cpu speed to 70 when hold)
prxshot (screenshot)
pspstates (game savestate, when ingame, press HOME, the hold R+any key to save. Press Home hold L+the key used on saving to load)
Download Plugins PackRAR Pass: liquorice