• ChickHEN R2 for all versions of consoles
• MhuspEED V3 for all versions of consoles
• Checking / display the battery charge, if any
• Create folder structure Custom firmware (including the folder "ISO", etc.)
• Unpacking the virtual portal "CFW Enabler 3.70" and "5.03 GEN"
• Unpacking programs "PSPident v0.4"
• Deleting activators HEN mode
Copy the folder "PSP" from the archive to the root of the memory card
Go to the menu "Game" -> "Memory Stick *"
Run "ChickHEN Installer R4"
Combination SELECT + START remove all ChickHEN R2 and MHU Speed V3 images!

By □ button: Installation ChickHEN2 (PSP1000)
By ○ button: Installation ChickHEN2 (2000v3/3000)
By △ button: Installation MHU Speed V3
By × button: Installation CFWEnabler 3.60
Press R button: Installation PSPident v0.4
Cross keypad ←: Install 5.03GEN-A (2000v3)
Cross keypad →: Install 5.03GEN-A (3000)
Cross keypad ↑: Install 5.03GEN-B
Cross keypad ↓: Install 5.03GEN-C
Download Chickhen R4Source: dl.qj.net